Seosed | Connections
Me oleme tugevad, ent haprad. Mõnikord nähtamatust niidist kinni hoides otsime läbi elu minnes oma ideaalsust. Kuid ideaalsus meie kujutlustes on katsumatu ning ideaalid kättesaamatud – nagu steriilselt graafilised momendid, tarretatud kindlalt klaasi taha. Kõik elus on aga täiuslik just oma vigadega.
Kõik tööd on valminud nahale. Nahale foto tegemine ei ole uus leiutis. See on väga vana ja haruldane varajase fotograafia tehnika, mida nimetatakse pannotüüpiaks. Pannotüübid ehk kolloodium-otsepositiivid, on valmistatud klaasile ning üle kantud teisele alusele, algselt mustale vahatatud linasele kangale, kuid ka pargitud nahale, puidule, mustale õlikangale. Tehnika oli kasutusel väga lühikest aega, 1853–1860. Praeguseks on väga vähe pannotüüpe säilinud.
Minu tehnikat võiks tinglikult nimetada uuspannotüüpiaks, kuna ma muudan naha eelnevalt valgustundlikuks ning menetlen töid negatiivprotsessis.
Projekti Seosed fotod jäävad ajavahemikku 2005–2018 ning on pildistatud mustvalgele 35mm ja 120 filmile. Kogu protsess on algusest lõpuni toimunud pimikus.
Et kasutada rohkem olemasolevaid ressursse, olen oma fotod ükshaaval laboris suurendanud nahajääkide jääkidele. Jäägid sain Eesti disainerilt Nulku by Kristiina Nurk, kes omakorda sai need mööblitööstusest.
Seosed on seotud hoolimise ja märkamisega meie planeedil. Me oleme endile andnud hoidmise võimu, kuid kas me seda kasutame?
Kõiki töid on võimalik ka osta, samuti on olemas kataloog.
Raamitud ja signeeritud töö 400€
Kataloog 12€
Kataloog 12€
Naha mõõdud neto u 11x11 cm
Koos raamiga 30x30 cm
Koos raamiga 30x30 cm
Näituse esmaavamine toimus Saaremaal, Kuressaare Raegaleriis 20.09.2019, kus ta oli koos Siin on mu süda vineeriprojektiga.
We are strong but fragile. Sometimes we hold on to an invisible string and searching our ideality while going through life. But the ideality and ideals in our mind are untouchable just like the sterile graphic moments safely behind the glass. But – everything in life is perfect with its flaws.
This project is made on leather. Making a photo on leather is not an entirely new invention. It is an old and rare early photographic technique – called the pannotype. Pannotypes or the direct positive collodion images were made on glass and transferred onto a secondary support material like waxed canvas, glass or wood. This technique was in practice only for a seven years period from 1853 to 1860. Today there are very few pannotypes preserved.
My technique could be neo-pannotype because I make leather sensitive to light by applying a coating of liquid emulsion and work with it in the negative process.
The motives of Connections are photographed between 2005–2018 using 35mm or 120 black and white analogue film.
I have enlarged my photos on the leftovers of leather. I got my pieces of leather from Estonian designer Nulku by Kristiina Nurk, and she got them from the big furniture industry.
My technique could be neo-pannotype because I make leather sensitive to light by applying a coating of liquid emulsion and work with it in the negative process.
The motives of Connections are photographed between 2005–2018 using 35mm or 120 black and white analogue film.
I have enlarged my photos on the leftovers of leather. I got my pieces of leather from Estonian designer Nulku by Kristiina Nurk, and she got them from the big furniture industry.
Connections are tied to caring and noticing on our planet Earth. We have given ourselves the power to pay attention – do we use it?
All the photos are available for buying, there is also a catalog:
Price for box-framed and signed pannotype is 400€
Catalog 12€
Catalog 12€
A catalog is also available.
Pannotype measures approx 11x11 cm
With frame 30x30 cm
Pannotype measures approx 11x11 cm
With frame 30x30 cm
The first opening took place in Saaremaa, Kuressaare Rae Gallery at 20.09.2019, it was there with Here Is My Heart plywood project.

Thank you!